
Parent’s Role

You play an important role in your child’s music lessons.  

They will perceive the value you  place on their lessons by the interest you show and the consistency which you require of them.

  • Attend the programs in which your child performs.

  • Keep your piano tuned and in good condition. (Think of it like this -would you  ask your child to practice soccer with a flat ball?)

  • Set up a daily practice time with your child. Be practical -what will work on a daily basis for your family

  • Check their weekly assignment. Weekly assignments are emailed to parents to be printed and put in the student’s Piano Notebook.

  • Be sure your child understands and follows their weekly assignments. This is the fastest way for them to have success and progress.

  • Feel free to text or call if there are questions. 

  • Listen as they practice. Practicing the piano can be lonely business.  Let them know you’re listening and comment on their progress and effort.

  • It may be difficult for younger students to stay focused or even to read their assignments. Keep them company as they practice :)

  • You don’t need to know how to play the piano to remind and encourage them.

  • Communicate often. If something is happening at home or school that is affecting your child please let me know, so I can be sensitive to the needs of your child. Share your child’s reactions about his lessons with me.  Your feedback is a valuable tool in my teaching.